
Akashic Record Activation

Akashic Record Galactivation

Recieve your 8D activation to open you up to your akashic records.

Hey light beings

I’m thrilled you are here and are interested in joining the depth, the mystery and the awakening that is the akashic records.

So a little bit of who, what, why are the akashic.

They are the blueprint of your soul. 

The Akashic is the map and the record of everything past present and future. You can access your soul contracts, your karma, your spirit guides, your destiny and your divine purpose. So much truth and with this truth ultimately comes a power. 

This power is to be cherished and to be respected and that is why this course is not for everyone. This is for those that are ready to align with this empowerment. 

Knowing yourself on this level takes courage and faith however if you are ready for this journey I can guarantee whole lot of ascension, joy and a deep, deep understanding of yourself. Which is the greatest power anyone can ever have.

This course is fully experiential. It is visceral and takes you on a journey rather than mere information. 

You don’t need prior experience in the akashic records to do this course. All you need is that calling in your heart and a trust in your higher self. 

The course spans over 5 weeks and by the end of it you will be able to access your own akashic records and have an affinity with your own soul guides.

You will have an understanding of your own Claire. Weather that be Claire audient, sentient, cognizant….all the claire’s!!

We will also access different dimensions so you can know yourself without the confines of your 3D self and gain a greater experience of how these dimensions feel and the guides, masters and angels you can access there.

The next step is to type your details below so I can send you the 8D activation and set up a quick interview to see if this course if the right fit for you.

Until we meet again, my your soul soar


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